Soil Site Reporter

Soil Series Properties

SERIES Hydrology

Soil Series (Soil Types) Hydrological Information
Soils information

SOILSERIES Hydrology is tabular data that can be used in conjunction with any of the NATMAP products except NATMAP soilscapes.

SOILSERIES Hydrology provides extensive information on the water regime and hydrology of each soil. This is the essential dataset for those involved with groundwater modelling and flow prediction. It has many uses in the environmental sector and applications in related sectors.

How much does this product cost?

You will need to lease this attribute product with a relevant NATMAP soil map dataset. For detailed pricing information, use our Quotation Advisor utility.

SOILSERIES Hydrology data and description

The table below describes the various properties within this data product. Each table contains the information outlined below.

Property Example from data Description
SERIES 4 Soil series code
DROCK 999 Depth (cm) to rock
HYD_ROCK 14 Hydrological rock type, Boorman, Hollis and Lilly (1995)
DGLEY 0 Depth to gleying (cm) 999 implies NO gley layer
DIMP_DP 999 Depth (cm) to slowly permeable layer, i.e. in which effectively there is no downward percolation of water - 999 implies NO slowly permeable layer (Jones 1985, Robson and Thomasson 1977).
IAC_DP 200 Integrated air capacity (downward percolation), Hodgson (1976, 73-83).
DIMP_UD 999 Depth (cm) to slowly permeable layer - upward diffusion, ie in which effectively there is no downward percolation of water (Jones 1985, Robson and Thomasson 1977) - 999 implies NO slowly permeable layer
IAC_UD 200 Integrated air capacity (upward diffusion), Hodgson (1976, 73-83)
HOST 11 HOST (Hydrology of Soil Type) class, Boorman, Hollis and Lilly (1995)

Full explanation of HOST system
BYFLOW N Bypass flow (Yes/No)
BFI 0.93 Baseflow index. Dimensionless variable (range 0 to 1.0) that expresses the fraction of the average flow volume represented by the contribution from groundwater storage
SPR 2 Standard Percentage Run-off. Dimensionless variable (range 0 to 100 %) that represents the percentage of rainfall that causes the short-term increase in flow at the catchment outlet seen after the storm event

About Us

LandIS, or the Land Information System is one of the offerings of the Cranfield Environment Centre (CEC). Incorporating the National Soil Resources Institute, we are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources.

Cranfield Environment Centre
Cranfield University
Bullock Building (B53)
Cranfield campus
MK43 0AL
(01234) 752992

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