Soil Site Reporter

National Soil Map of England and Wales - NATMAP


5km x 5km gridded soils data

NATMAP 5000 is a soil series (soil type) based, 5km2 'gridded vector' spatial data set covering the whole of Wales and England. Natmap 5000 can be supplied as follows:

Key Facts and Statistics about NATMAP 5000
Who and what is this useful for?

NATMAP 5000 is useful for anyone wanting a general understanding of the soil series within a region, for those who are not too concerned with actual line work, but only require the overall breakdown of soils within their area.

NATMAP 5000 is ideal for those who want a good impression of the soils covering all of England and Wales, but who have a tight budget.

How much does this product cost?

For detailed pricing information, use our Quotation Advisor utility.

NATMAP 5000 data and description

The table below describes the various properties within this data product.

The table below describes the various properties within NATMAP 5000 (relative % of soil series).

Each polygon contains the information outlined below.

Property1 Example from data Description
EAST_1K 426000 National Grid reference easting at 1km resolution
NORTH_1K 480000 National Grid reference northing at 1km resolution
SERIES1 ABERFORD Series name of the domiant soil series
SERIES1_PC 31.8835 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the dominant soil series
SERIES2 EAST KESWICK Series name of the second most dominant soil series
SERIES2_PC 18.9135 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the second most dominant soil series
SERIES3 ELMTON Series name of the third most dominant soil series
SERIES3_PC 17.391 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the third most dominant soil series
SERIES4 NERCWYS Series name of the fourth most dominant soil series
SERIES4_PC 12.609 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the fourth most dominant soil series
SERIES5 DULLINGHAM Series name of the fifth most dominant soil series
SERIES5_PC 5.797 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the fifth most dominant soil series
SERIES6 ARROW Series name of the sixth most dominant soil series
SERIES6_PC 4.203 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the sixth most dominant soil series
SERIES7 Series name of the seventh most dominant soil series
SERIES7_PC 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the seventh most dominant soil series
SERIES8 Series name of the eighth most dominant soil series
SERIES8_PC 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the eighth most dominant soil series
SERIES9 Series name of the ninth most dominant soil series
SERIES9_PC 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the nineth most dominant soil series
SERIES10 Series name of the tenth most dominant soil series
SERIES10_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the tenth most dominant soil series
SERIES11 Series name of the eleventh most dominant soil series
SERIES11_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the eleventh most dominant soil series
SERIES12 Series name of the twelveth most dominant soil series
SERIES12_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the twelveth most dominant soil series
SERIES13 Series name of the thirteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES13_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the thirteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES14 Series name of the fourteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES14_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the fourteeth most dominant soil series
SERIES15 Series name of the fourteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES15_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the fifteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES16 Series name of the sixteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES16_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the sixteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES17 Series name of the seventeenth most dominant soil series
SERIES17_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the seventeenth most dominant soil series
SERIES18 Series name of the eighteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES18_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the eighteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES19 Series name of the nineteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES19_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the nineteenth most dominant soil series
SERIES20 Series name of the twentieth most dominant soil series
SERIES20_P 0 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is the twentieth most dominant soil series
OTHER_PC 9.203 Percentage of the soil association (Map Unit) which is made up by other soil series
SHAPE 2 Feature ID code which links with the spatial description of the data within a geodatabase

About Us

LandIS, or the Land Information System is one of the offerings of the Cranfield Environment Centre (CEC). Incorporating the National Soil Resources Institute, we are the largest UK national and international centre for research and development, consultancy and training in soils and their interaction with the atmosphere, land use, geology and water resources.

Cranfield Environment Centre
Cranfield University
Bullock Building (B53)
Cranfield campus
MK43 0AL
(01234) 752992

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